The NDEx Team is proud to announce that NDEx v1.2 is now available on our Test and Public servers as well as on our FTP site for all who prefer to install and run their own, private NDEx server instance.
The NDEx v1.2 release has many new features, changes in the user interface and improvements to boost stability as well as functionality; therefore, we strongly recommend a careful review of our documentation for important technical information and details. Please start with What's New, make sure you check our Release Notes and don't forget the NDEx v1.2 Technical Design Document.
For NDEx v1.2, we have updated and improved our Documentation, redesigned it to get you started immediately with NDEx and then allow you to explore the different sections according to your level of interest. First time users will find useful guides and tutorials to learn how to master all the features available in NDEx, while developers can access complex technical documents including detailed descriptions of our Data Model and use of the NDEx API.
Explore the new content available on the NDEx public server, including several networks in BioPAX3 format (NCI-PID, Kegg, LIPID MAPS and more); use our revamped NDEx-Sync program to synchronize your local NDEx server and update your content with the latest versions available! And last but not least…. keep your eyes open for lots of new network content coming soon… Pathway Commons v.8 is almost here!!!
Here are all the links to the resources described above
Our official website
The starting point for your NDEx experience! Documentation, info, news and our friendly bug report form.
NDEx Public Server
Our free public server where you can browse and store networks and collaborate with colleagues.
NDEx Test Server
This is a server running the most recent version of our software that can be used for development purposes.
Download the NDEx Install bundle
The NDEx install bundle allows you to install and run your own private NDEx server instance.
Download the NDEx Sync bundle
The Sync program lets you synchronize and update the content of 2 different NDEx servers.
Download the NDEx v1.2 Technical Design Document
View and save the PDF version of our Master Design Document explaining in detail the why and how of our development choices for NDEx v1.2.