NiceCXNetwork module¶
The NiceCXNetwork class provides a data model for working with NDEx networks. Methods are provided to add nodes, edges, node attributes, edge attributes, etc. Once a NiceCXNetwork data object is populated it can be saved to the NDEx server by calling either upload_to() to create a new network or update_to() to update an existing network.
To see deprecated methods go to Deprecated NiceCXNetwork methods
Methods for building niceCX¶
see also this notebook
Node methods¶
- class ndex2.NiceCXNetwork.NiceCXNetwork(**attr)¶
- create_node(node_name=None, node_represents=None)¶
Creates a new node with the corresponding name and represents (external id)
my_node = create_node(node_name='MAPK1, node_represents='1114208')Parameters: - node_name (str) – Name of the node
- node_represents (str) – Representation of the node (alternate identifier)
Returns: Node ID
Return type: int
- set_node_attribute(node, attribute_name, values, type=None)¶
Set an attribute of a node, where the node may be specified by its id or passed in as a node dict.
set_node_attribute(my_node, 'Pathway', 'Signal Transduction / Growth Regulation')
set_node_attribute(my_node, 'Mutation Frequency', 0.007, type='double')
Parameters: - node (int or node dict with @id attribute) – Node to add the attribute to
- attribute_name (string) – attribute name
- values (list, string, int or double) – A value or list of values of the attribute
- type (str) – The datatype of the attribute values, defaults is string. See Supported data types
- cx_fragment (json) – CX fragment
Returns: None
Return type: None
Edge methods¶
- class ndex2.NiceCXNetwork.NiceCXNetwork(**attr)
- create_edge(edge_source=None, edge_target=None, edge_interaction=None)¶
Create a new edge in the network by specifying source-interaction-target
my_edge = create_edge(edge_source=my_node, edge_target=my_node2, edge_interaction='up-regulates')Parameters: - edge_source (int, dict (with @id property)) – The source node of this edge, either its id or the node object itself.
- edge_target (int, dict (with @id property)) – The target node of this edge, either its id or the node object itself.
- edge_interaction (string) – The interaction that describes the relationship between the source and target nodes
Returns: Edge ID
Return type: int
- set_edge_attribute(edge, attribute_name, values, type=None)¶
Set the value(s) of attribute of an edge, where the edge may be specified by its id or passed in an object.
set_edge_attribute(0, 'weight', 0.5, type='double')
set_edge_attribute(my_edge, 'Disease', 'Atherosclerosis')
Parameters: - edge (int or edge dict with @id attribute) – Edge to add the attribute to
- attribute_name (str) – Attribute name
- values (list) – A value or list of values of the attribute
- type (str) – The datatype of the attribute values, defaults to the python datatype of the values. See Supported data types
Returns: None
Return type: None
Network methods¶
- class ndex2.NiceCXNetwork.NiceCXNetwork(**attr)
- set_context(context)¶
Set the @context information of the network. This information maps namespace prefixes to their defining URIs
set_context({'pmid': ''})Parameters: context (dict) – dict of name, URI pairs Returns: None Return type: none
- set_name(network_name)¶
Set the network name
set_name('P38 Signaling')Parameters: network_name (string) – Network name Returns: None Return type: None
- set_network_attribute(name, values=None, type=None)¶
Set an attribute of the network
set_network_attribute(name='networkType', values='Genetic interactions')Parameters: - name (string) – Attribute name
- values (list, string, double or int) – The values of the attribute
- type (str) – The datatype of the attribute values. See Supported data types
Returns: None
Return type: none
- set_opaque_aspect(aspect_name, aspect_elements)¶
Set the aspect specified by aspect_name to the list of aspect elements. If aspect_elements is None, the aspect is removed.
Parameters: - aspect_name (string) – Name of the aspect
- aspect_elements (list of dict) – Aspect element
Returns: None
Return type: none
Methods for accessing niceCX properties¶
see also this notebook
Node methods¶
- class ndex2.NiceCXNetwork.NiceCXNetwork(**attr)
- get_node_attribute(node, attribute_name)¶
Get the node attribute of a node, where the node may be specified by its id or passed in as an object.
get_node_attribute(my_node, 'Pathway') # returns: {'@id': 0, 'n': 'diffusion-heat', 'v': 0.832, 'd': 'double'}Parameters: - node (int or node dict with @id attribute) – node object or node id
- attribute_name – attribute name
Returns: the node attibute object or None if the attribute doesn’t exist
Return type: dict
- get_node_attribute_value(node, attribute_name)¶
Get the value(s) of an attribute of a node, where the node may be specified by its id or passed in as an object.
get_node_attribute_value(my_node, 'Pathway') # returns: 'Signal Transduction / Growth Regulation'Parameters: - node (int or node dict with @id attribute) – node object or node id
- attribute_name – attribute name
Returns: the value of the attibute or None if the attribute doesn’t exist
Return type: string
- get_node_attributes(node)¶
Get the attribute objects of a node, where the node may be specified by its id or passed in as an object.
get_node_attributes(my_node) # returns: [{'po': 0, 'n': 'Pathway', 'v': 'Signal Transduction / Growth Regulation'}]Parameters: node (int or node dict with @id attribute) – node object or node id Returns: node attributes Return type: list
- get_nodes()¶
Returns an iterator over node ids as keys and node objects as values.
for id, node in nice_cx.get_nodes():
node_name = node.get('n')
node_represents = node.get('r')
Returns: iterator over nodes Return type: iterator
Edge methods¶
- class ndex2.NiceCXNetwork.NiceCXNetwork(**attr)
- get_edge_attribute(edge, attribute_name)¶
Get the edge attributes of an edge, where the edge may be specified by its id or passed in as an object.
get_edge_attribute(my_edge, 'weight')
# returns: {'@id': 0, 'n': 'weight', 'v': 0.849, 'd': 'double'}
Parameters: - edge (int or edge dict with @id attribute) – Edge object or edge id
- attribute_name – Attribute name
Returns: Edge attribute object
Return type: list, string, int or double
- get_edge_attribute_value(edge, attribute_name)¶
Get the value(s) of an attribute of an edge, where the edge may be specified by its id or passed in as an object.
get_edge_attribute_value(my_edge, 'weight')
# returns: 0.849
Parameters: - edge (int or edge dict with @id attribute) – Edge object or edge id
- attribute_name – Attribute name
Returns: Edge attribute value(s)
Return type: list, string, int or double
- get_edge_attributes(edge)¶
Get the attribute objects of an edge, where the edge may be specified by its id or passed in as an object.
# returns: [{'@id': 0, 'n': 'weight', 'v': 0.849, 'd': 'double'}, {'@id': 0, 'n': 'Type', 'v': 'E1'}]
Parameters: edge (int or edge dict with @id attribute) – Edge object or edge id Returns: Edge attribute objects Return type: list of edge dict
- get_edges()¶
Returns an iterator over edge ids as keys and edge objects as values.
for edge_id, edge_obj in nice_cx.get_edges():
print(edge_obj.get('i')) # print interaction
print(edge_obj.get('s')) # print source node id
Returns: Edge iterator Return type: iterator
Network methods¶
- class ndex2.NiceCXNetwork.NiceCXNetwork(**attr)
- get_context()¶
Get the @context information of the network. This information maps namespace prefixes to their defining URIs
{'pmid': ''}Returns: context object Return type: dict
- get_name()¶
Get the network name
Returns: Network name Return type: string
- get_network_attribute(attribute_name)¶
Get the value of a network attribute
Parameters: attribute_name (string) – Attribute name Returns: Network attribute object Return type: dict
- get_opaque_aspect(aspect_name)¶
Get the elements of the aspect specified by aspect_name
Parameters: aspect_name (string) – the name of the aspect to retrieve. Returns: Opaque aspect Return type: list of aspect elements
Misc niceCX methods¶
- class ndex2.NiceCXNetwork.NiceCXNetwork(**attr)
- apply_template(server, uuid, username=None, password=None)¶
Applies the Cytoscape visual properties of a network from the provided uuid to this network.
This allows the use of networks formatted in Cytoscape as templates to apply visual styles to other networks.
nice_cx.apply_template('', '51247435-1e5f-11e8-b939-0ac135e8bacf')Parameters: - server (string) – server host name (i.e.
- username (string) – username (optional - used when accessing private networks)
- password (string) – password (optional - used when accessing private networks)
- uuid (string) – uuid of the styled network
Returns: None
Return type: None
- print_summary()¶
Print a network summary
Returns: Network summary Return type: string
- to_cx()¶
Return the CX corresponding to the network.
Returns: CX representation of the network Return type: CX (list of dict aspects)
- to_cx_stream()¶
Returns a stream of the CX corresponding to the network. Can be used to post to endpoints that can accept streaming inputs
Returns: The CX stream representation of this network. Return type: io.BytesIO
- to_networkx()¶
Returns a NetworkX graph based on the network. Elements in the CartesianCoordinates aspect of the network are transformed to the NetworkX pos attribute. Node name is stored in the networkx node id. Node ‘represents’ is stored in the networkx node attribute ‘represents’
G = nice_cx.to_networkx() # G is now a networkx objectReturns: Networkx graph Return type: networkx Graph()
- to_pandas_dataframe()¶
Export the network as a Pandas DataFrame.
df = nice_cx.to_pandas_dataframe() # df is now a pandas dataframeNote: This method only processes nodes, edges, node attributes and edge attributes, but not network attributes or other aspects
Returns: Pandas dataframe Return type: Pandas dataframe
- update_to(uuid, server, username, password)¶
Upload this network to the specified server to the account specified by username and password.
nice_cx.update_to('2ec87c51-c349-11e8-90ac-525400c25d22', ', username, password)Parameters: - server (str) – The NDEx server to upload the network to.
- username (str) – The username of the account to store the network.
- password (str) – The password for the account.
Returns: The UUID of the network on NDEx.
Return type: str
- upload_to(server, username, password)¶
Upload this network to the specified server to the account specified by username and password.
nice_cx.upload_to('', username, password)Parameters: - server (string) – The NDEx server to upload the network to.
- username (string) – The username of the account to store the network.
- password (string) – The password for the account.
Returns: The UUID of the network on NDEx.
Return type: string
Deprecated NiceCXNetwork methods¶
- class ndex2.NiceCXNetwork.NiceCXNetwork(**attr)
- add_edge(id=None, source=None, target=None, interaction=None)¶
This method has been deprecated. Please use create_edge()
- add_node(id=None, name=None, represents=None)¶
This method has been deprecated. Please use create_node()
- get_edge_attribute_objects(edge, attribute_name)¶
This method has been deprecated. Please use get_edge_attributes()
- get_node_attribute_objects(node, attribute_name)¶
This method has been deprecated. Please use get_node_attribute()
- get_summary()¶
This method has been deprecated. Please use print_summary()
- set_provenance(provenance)¶
This method has been deprecated.
Supported data types¶
The following data types are supported in methods that accept type
set_edge_attribute(0, 'weight', 0.5, type='double')
- string
- double
- boolean
- integer
- long
- list_of_string
- list_of_double
- list_of_boolean
- list_of_integer
- list_of_long
Methods for creating niceCX from other data models¶
- ndex2.create_nice_cx_from_raw_cx(cx)¶
Create a NiceCXNetwork from a CX json object. (see
Parameters: cx – a valid CX document Returns: NiceCXNetwork
- ndex2.create_nice_cx_from_file(path)¶
Create a NiceCXNetwork from a file that is in the CX format.
Parameters: path – the path of the CX file Returns: NiceCXNetwork
- ndex2.create_nice_cx_from_networkx(G)¶
Creates a NiceCXNetwork based on a networkx graph. The resulting NiceCXNetwork contains the nodes edges and their attributes from the networkx graph and also preserves the graph ‘pos’ attribute as a CX cartesian coordinates aspect. Node name is taken from the networkx node id. Node ‘represents’ is taken from the networkx node attribute ‘represents’
Parameters: G (networkx graph) – networkx graph Returns: NiceCXNetwork Return type: NiceCXNetwork
- ndex2.create_nice_cx_from_pandas(df, source_field=None, target_field=None, source_node_attr=[], target_node_attr=[], edge_attr=[], edge_interaction=None, source_represents=None, target_represents=None)¶
Create a NiceCXNetwork from a pandas dataframe in which each row specifies one edge in the network.
If only the df argument is provided the dataframe is treated as ‘SIF’ format, where the first two columns specify the source and target node ids of the edge and all other columns are ignored. The edge interaction is defaulted to “interacts-with”
If both the source_field and target_field arguments are provided, the those and any other arguments refer to headers in the dataframe, controlling the mapping of columns to the attributes of nodes, and edges in the resulting NiceCXNetwork. If a header is not mapped the corresponding column is ignored. If the edge_interaction is not specified it defaults to “interacts-with”
Parameters: - df – pandas dataframe to process
- source_field – header name specifying the name of the source node.
- target_field – header name specifying the name of the target node.
- source_node_attr – list of header names specifying attributes of the source node.
- target_node_attr – list of header names specifying attributes of the target node.
- edge_attr – list of header names specifying attributes of the edge.
- edge_interaction – the relationship between the source node and the target node, defaulting to “interacts-with”
Returns: NiceCXNetwork
- ndex2.create_nice_cx_from_server(server, username=None, password=None, uuid=None)¶
Create a NiceCXNetwork based on a network retrieved from NDEx, specified by its UUID. If the network is not public, then username and password arguments for an account on the server with permission to access the network must be supplied.
Parameters: - server – the URL of the NDEx server hosting the network.
- username – the user name of an account with permission to access the network.
- password – the password of an account with permission to access the network.
- uuid – the UUID of the network.
Returns: NiceCXNetwork
Client access to NDEx server API¶
- class ndex2.client.Ndex2(host=None, username=None, password=None, update_status=False, debug=False, user_agent='')¶
A class to facilitate communication with an NDEx server.
If host is not provided it will default to the NDEx public server. UUID is required
- add_networks_to_networkset(set_id, networks)¶
Add networks to a network set. User must have visibility of all networks being added
Parameters: - set_id (basestring) – network set id
- networks (list of strings) – networks that will be added to the set
Returns: None
Return type: None
- create_networkset(name, description)¶
Creates a new network set
Parameters: - name (string) – Network set name
- description (string) – Network set description
Returns: URI of the newly created network set
Return type: string
- delete_network(network_id, retry=5)¶
Deletes the specified network from the server
Parameters: - network_id (string) – Network id
- retry (int) – Number of times to retry if deleting fails
Returns: Error json if there is an error. Blank
Return type: string
- delete_networks_from_networkset(set_id, networks, retry=5)¶
Removes network(s) from a network set.
Parameters: - set_id (basestring) – network set id
- networks (list of strings) – networks that will be removed from the set
- retry (int) – Number of times to retry
Returns: None
Return type: None
- get_neighborhood(network_id, search_string, search_depth=1, edge_limit=2500)¶
Get the CX for a subnetwork of the network specified by UUID network_id and a traversal of search_depth steps around the nodes found by search_string.
Parameters: - network_id (str) – The UUID of the network.
- search_string (str) – The search string used to identify the network neighborhood.
- search_depth (int) – The depth of the neighborhood from the core nodes identified.
- edge_limit (int) – The maximum size of the neighborhood.
Returns: The CX json object.
Return type:
- get_neighborhood_as_cx_stream(network_id, search_string, search_depth=1, edge_limit=2500, error_when_limit=True)¶
Get a CX stream for a subnetwork of the network specified by UUID network_id and a traversal of search_depth steps around the nodes found by search_string.
Parameters: - network_id (str) – The UUID of the network.
- search_string (str) – The search string used to identify the network neighborhood.
- search_depth (int) – The depth of the neighborhood from the core nodes identified.
- edge_limit (int) – The maximum size of the neighborhood.
- error_when_limit (boolean) – Default value is true. If this value is true the server will stop streaming the network when it hits the edgeLimit, add success: false and error: “EdgeLimitExceeded” in the status aspect and close the CX stream. If this value is set to false the server will return a subnetwork with edge count up to edgeLimit. The status aspect will be a success, and a network attribute {“EdgeLimitExceeded”: “true”} will be added to the returned network only if the server hits the edgeLimit..
Returns: The response.
Return type:
- get_network_as_cx_stream(network_id)¶
Get the existing network with UUID network_id from the NDEx connection as a CX stream.
Parameters: network_id (str) – The UUID of the network. Returns: The response. Return type: response object
- get_network_ids_for_user(username)¶
Get the network uuids owned by the user
Parameters: username (str) – users NDEx username Returns: list of uuids
- get_network_set(set_id)¶
Gets the network set information including the list of networks
Parameters: set_id (basestring) – network set id Returns: network set information Return type: dict
- get_network_summary(network_id)¶
Gets information about a network.
Parameters: network_id (str) – The UUID of the network. Returns: Summary Return type: dict
- get_sample_network(network_id)¶
Gets the sample network
Parameters: network_id (string) – Network id Returns: Sample network Return type: list of dicts in cx format
- get_task_by_id(task_id)¶
Retrieves a task by id
Parameters: task_id (string) – Task id Returns: Task Return type: dict
- get_user_by_username(username)¶
Gets the user id by user name
Parameters: username (string) – User name Returns: User id Return type: string
- get_user_network_summaries(username, offset=0, limit=1000)¶
Get a list of network summaries for networks owned by specified user. It returns not only the networks that the user owns but also the networks that are shared with them directly.
Parameters: - username (str) – the username of the network owner
- offset (int) – the starting position of the network search
- limit –
Returns: list of uuids
Return type: list
- grant_network_to_user_by_username(username, network_id, permission)¶
Grants permission to network for the given user name
Parameters: - username (string) – User name
- network_id (string) – Network id
- permission (string) – Network permission
Returns: Result
Return type: dict
- grant_networks_to_group(groupid, networkids, permission='READ')¶
Set group permission for a set of networks
Parameters: - groupid (string) – Group id
- networkids (list) – List of network ids
- permission (string) – Network permission
Returns: Result
Return type: dict
- grant_networks_to_user(userid, networkids, permission='READ')¶
Gives read permission to specified networks for the provided user
Parameters: - userid (string) – User id
- networkids (list of strings) – Network ids
- permission (string (default is READ)) – Network permissions
Returns: none
Return type: none
- make_network_private(network_id)¶
Makes the network specified by the network_id private.
Parameters: network_id (str) – The UUID of the network. Returns: The response. Return type: response object
- make_network_public(network_id)¶
Makes the network specified by the network_id public.
Parameters: network_id (str) – The UUID of the network. Returns: The response. Return type: response object
- save_cx_stream_as_new_network(cx_stream, visibility=None)¶
Create a new network from a CX stream.
Parameters: - cx_stream (BytesIO) – IO stream of cx
- visibility (string) – Sets the visibility (PUBLIC or PRIVATE)
Returns: Response data
Return type: string or dict
- save_new_network(cx, visibility=None)¶
Create a new network (cx) on the server
Parameters: - cx (list of dicts) – Network cx
- visibility (string) – Sets the visibility (PUBLIC or PRIVATE)
Returns: Response data
Return type: string or dict
- search_networks(search_string='', account_name=None, start=0, size=100, include_groups=False)¶
Search for networks based on the search_text, optionally limited to networks owned by the specified account_name.
Parameters: - search_string (str) – The text to search for.
- account_name (str) – The account to search
- start (int) – The number of blocks to skip. Usually zero, but may be used to page results.
- size (int) – The size of the block.
- include_groups –
Returns: The response.
Return type:
- set_network_properties(network_id, network_properties)¶
Sets network properties
Parameters: - network_id (string) – Network id
- network_properties (list) – List of NDEx property value pairs
Returns: Return type:
- set_network_system_properties(network_id, network_properties)¶
Set network system properties
Parameters: - network_id (string) – Network id
- network_properties (dict of NDEx network property value pairs) – Network properties
Returns: Result
Return type: dict
- set_read_only(network_id, value)¶
Sets the read only flag on the specified network
Parameters: - network_id (string) – Network id
- value (bool) – Read only value
Returns: Result
Return type: dict
- update_cx_network(cx_stream, network_id)¶
Update the network specified by UUID network_id using the CX stream cx_stream.
Parameters: - cx_stream – The network stream.
- network_id (str) – The UUID of the network.
Returns: The response.
Return type:
- update_network_group_permission(groupid, networkid, permission)¶
Updated group permissions
Parameters: - groupid (string) – Group id
- networkid (string) – Network id
- permission (string) – Network permission
Returns: Result
Return type: dict
- update_network_profile(network_id, network_profile)¶
Updates the network profile Any profile attributes specified will be updated but attributes that are not specified will have no effect - omission of an attribute does not mean deletion of that attribute. The network profile attributes that can be updated by this method are: ‘name’, ‘description’ and ‘version’.
Parameters: - network_id (string) – Network id
- network_profile (dict) – Network profile
Returns: Return type:
- update_network_user_permission(userid, networkid, permission)¶
Updated network user permission
Parameters: - userid (string) – User id
- networkid (string) – Network id
- permission (string) – Network permission
Returns: Result
Return type: dict